Understanding "incorrect" ads.txt status

This article discusses how Holid.io checks your site's ads.txt status

Holid.io crawls your site's ads.txt folder location once per day. This thereby means that your site's ads.txt status only changes at maximum once per day, if any changes have been done. 

Sometimes, on sites where crawling has not been allowed, Holid.io displays an "incorrect" ads.txt status even though your site actually has the correct ads.txt implemented. As long as your site’s ads.txt is inline with the latest ads.txt from Holid.io, ad serving will be efficient even though Holid.io might wrongfully mark it as "incorrect".

The best way to know for certain that your site has ads.txt correctly implemented is if you yourself check your site's ads.txt file located at yourdomain.com/ads.txt, and by comparison making sure the lines are the same as the ones mentioned in Holid.io.