Auto ads.txt manager

Learn how to always be connected to the latest demand and revenue and control your ads.txt from inside without having to do any updates

Setting up auto ads.txt is a great way of making sure you’re always connected to the latest ad demand and revenue, but it also allows for controlling your own ads.txt rows for your website directly from

Be connected, always. updates its demand sources a few times per year. This means that you need to update your ads.txt file for your websites in order to receive the additional demand and revenue. supports auto ads.txt, which allows you to never have to update it again.

Whenever makes an update to the ads.txt rows, it gets automatically updated on your site.

Add your own ads.txt rows

In addition to's ads.txt rows, you are able to add your own rows too. This is helpful if you are working with additional demand sources on your website. 

The auto ads.txt management solution is site-directed. This means that the solution is set up site by site, which allows for site by site setups. 

Implementation of auto ads.txt

This is an advanced feature. Consult your developer for implementation.

1. Getting your site URL

The auto ads.txt feature is site-dependent, so start by fetching your site-unique URL for redirection:

  • Log in to your
  • Click on Optimization.
  • Choose Enable auto ads.txt.
  • Select the site in the list that you would like to set up auto ads.txt for.
  • Follow the guide in this documentation for implementation.

2. Creating the permanent  301 redirect

We are here listing three possible ways to implement:

- Htaccess

- Nginx

- Cloudflare (or similar) URL rewrite 

If you are an experienced backend developer, you may want to utilize permanent redirect directly on your servers. Please use caution when using these methods, as they may cause site downtime if configured incorrectly.

In the below examples, we are using the URL, which is not for production use.

Htaccess 301 permanent redirect

Redirect 301 /ads.txt

Nginx 301 permanent redirect

rewrite ^/ads.txt$ permanent;


Nginx proxy:

location /ads.txt {


                proxy_redirect default;


Cloudflare (or similar systems) URL rewrite

Set up rule to check if URL matches your domain on the below location:

Forward URL (301 permanent redirect) to:

Verifying implementation

Verify that your domain is forwarding the URL to the URL by simply entering in your web browser and seeing if it redirects you to your unique domain.

3. Adding your own ads.txt rows

  • Log in to your
  • Click on Sites.
  • Click My ads.txt rows next to the site for which you want to edit the rows
  • Scroll down to the My ads.txt rows box. Open it, paste the rows you want to add, and hit Save.
  • Verify that the rows are added by going to A few minutes might be needed to wait for the caching to clear.