Holid.io policy about ad placement

This article covers the policies Holid.io has when it comes to number of ads displayed on a site or app as well as their placement.your

Holid.io's multitude of advertisers are keen on being visable to users that are actually interested in the advertiser's messages. In order to maintain a natural ecosystem, it is important that publishers follow the regulations that Holid.io sets up. 

MFA sites

It is important to note here that MFA (Made for advertising) sites are non-acceptable with the Holid.io platform. Please also see the article regarding site/app-review and what criteria your Holid.io looks for in the reviewal process.

Amount of ads

Your site's layout is of course highly dependent on the amount of ads possible to show per page. Our recommended amounts are as follows:

  • Normal length pages: 5 display ads per subpage
  • Long pages: 10 display ads per subpage
  • Very long pages: 15 display ads or more per subpage

What categorizes as a Normal length/Long/Very long page are mentioned below in amount of viewports per page. A viewport is one screensize, and as you scroll down one more screensize, that's one more viewport. Mobile viewport are mentioned in brackets. 

  • Normal length pages: Between 1-3 viewports (1-7 viewports in mobile)
  • Long pages: Between 4-8 viewports (8-15 viewports in mobile)
  • Very long pages: 8+ viewports (16+ viewports in mobile)

Ad placement

For a good user experience it's important that you don't stack ads on top of eachother, making some ads invisible under other ads. This is strictly not allowed using the Holid.io platform. It's also important that you don't put ads too close to eachother or right next to eachother (if it's not in the sidebar) as this would create a non-user friendly experience and for advertisers a non-advertiser friendly environment to showcase in.