Holid.io tag-functionality for sites

Learn about how Holid.io's tags work to show ads on your website

Important info about placing ads

Place your holidAds ad tags in the locations where you want to show ads. 

It's important that your site's code (your divs) are informing us about the size of the ad that we can display. For example, your parent div in which the holidAds div is placed needs to have a set width and height, so that we can place an appropriate size.

About sizes

Based on the information available in the ad spot that the holidAds tag is placed, Holid.io scans your webpage in order to determine what ad size to show on your website. It does so by looking at the Holid.io ad tag div's allowed space. Often times, your website's parent divs let the child divs inherit the size. 

If your site's parent divs does not have a set size attached, or if you want to handle your ad sizes yourself, you should set CSS values to the Holid.io ad tag div. Set the maximum widths and heights of the ad size using CSS and max-width and max-height and attach that rule to the Holid.io ad tag div.

Display ads

You can use two types of codes to show Display ads. Both types are to be placed within the <body></body> section of your site and where you want to show ads on your site. You can place how many ad tags as you want on each subpage, but remember to follow the Holid.io regulations regarding ad placements.

1. The dynamic tag

Use the dynamic tag if you want a quick and easy code setup. 

<div class="holidAds"></div> 

This tag-type is responsive and will thereby both show an ad if the user is visiting on a  computer or if they are visiting on a mobile device.

2. The role-specific tag

Use the role-specific tag if you want to control the ad sizes per ad spot without doing any extra work.

<div class="holidAds widescreen"></div>

<div class="holidAds box"></div>

<div class="holidAds tower"></div>

<div class="holidAds mobile"></div>     

To use the role-specific tag, you have to place each tag where you want the type of ad size to appear. The largest size of ads that show per role-specific tag, including both height and width, in pixels:

widescreen maximum 980x300
box maximum 300x300
tower maximum 300x600
mobile maximum 320x320

Please note that widescreen and box roles are responsive. This means that placing a widescreen or box role for a desktop user will automatically convert it to a mobile role in mobile view. Mobile roles only show in mobile view and are ignored in desktop completely. Tower roles are ignored in mobile view since they normally fit in the sidebar of a desktop page, which doesn't match the layout of a mobile page. 

The Holid.io system will scan your website and find the best fitting ad size according to the above max sizes. If it is unsuccessful finding the best size, you can still use the above CSS logic to apply your own max sizes.

Holid.io will match available ad space with correct ad sizes.

Having issues? View the troubleshooting guide.