Set up Key-value targeting

Learn how to configure your website to pass key-values to

Key-values help target specific subpages of your website with certain advertising content. You can also set up key-values for your own use, for example if you want to target your own ads via We recommend to both set Subpage specific key-values of your entire website, but as well to set more detailed Publisher-specific key-values only support key-value targeting setup for websites at the moment.

Implementing Key-values

Applicable for both Subpage key-value and Publisher-specific key-value setups.

In order to implement the key-value pairs, you need to first create an object named holid_keyvalues and populate it like this:

var holid_keyvalues = {
 aKeyValue: "",
anotherKeyValue: "",
aThirdKeyValue: "",

A key-value pair is a combination of a name and value. In the below example, the name subpageContext has a value of Sports, while the key-value name subpageContext2 has a key-value value of Fotball

Adjust the key-value name and value to reflect either the requirements of a Subpage key-value setup or a Publisher-specific key-value setup.

The below example is to be set dynamically by you or your developer:

var holid_keyvalues = {
subpageContext: "Sports",
subpageContext2: "Fotball",

Note: If you do not have a value to set, skip setting that property completely
That is, if subpageContext2 is missing, just create:

var holid_keyvalues = {
 subpageContext: "Sports",

You can set the value as a Global value in window/DOM as just a regular global variable/array.

You can combine to declare both Subpage Key-values and Publisher-specific Key-values at the same time, in the same key-value declaration in the window/DOM. The only requirement for this is that they are placed correctly on the correct subpage.

Key-value restrictions

You should not pass any information to that can use or understand to be personally identifiable information (PII). IP addresses cannot be used as a key-value input either.

Subpage key-values

You can choose from a number of different key-values to be set on separate subpages. Setting this requires accuracy and logics that you or your developer have to create to divide the certain key-value pairs to certain subpages. is prepared to receive Subpage Key-values for tier_one_kv and tier_two_kv names only, as well as only receiving the values of both key-value names according to the below two lists of Tier One and Tier Two categories.

After consulting your developer on how to build the logic of dividing key-value code for each subpage, you set the key-values as below, for example:

var holid_keyvalues = {
tier_one_kv: "Automotive",
tier_two_kv: "Auto Parts",

The Tier One categories are the following:



Books and Literature

Business and Finance






Family and Relationships

Fine Art

Food & Drink


Healthy Living

Hobbies & Interests


Home & Garden


Maps & Navigation

Medical Health


Personal Celebrations & Life Events

Personal Finance



Pop Culture


Real Estate

Religion & Spirituality




Style & Fashion

Technology & Computing


Video Gaming


The Tier Two categories that you can set are mentioned here.

Publisher-specific Key-values

In the above example we set Tier One category to Automotive and Tier Two category to Auto Parts. Since you are publisher with detailed contexts of your website, it makes sense to get even more in to depth, and for example set a certain Car Brand as a third key-value. Since there are vast differences of the need of this between publishers, requires you as a publisher to  inform us of the information you are sending, so that we can set this up on our end.

What you decide to set as key-values depend on your site and your context. We can be in assistance of deciding this with you.

You set it as the above examples, with your own key-value names and values. For a site showing average salary data based on a certain job title, the key-value names and values can be:

var holid_keyvalues = {
jobTitle: "Receptionist",
avgSalaryUsd: "1000",

Reach out to us via the support-form on and let us know which key-values you have set.