Recover Ad-blocked traffic

Learn how to serve ads with that unblock your ad-blocked traffic

Serve ads to users that have an active ad-block extension in their browser. In order to serve ads in a respectable and user friendly way, ads shown are according to the Acceptable Ads-standards, which most ad-block users have accepted by using the ad-block extension. This means that only a few ads are able to show on the same page and that the ads are non-intrusive, simple image ads. 

Upon page load, initially checks for the presence of an ad-blocker. If an ad-blocker is active, verifies whether the user has opted in or out of the Acceptable Ads standards. For opted-in users, a request is made to Ad exchange and ads are eligible to serve. If the user has opted-out of the Acceptable Ads standards, no ad requests are send to Ad exchanges and no ads will be shown to these users.

Getting started with unblocking ad-blocked traffic

The Ad-block Recovery initiative is only available on websites above a certain revenue threshold. Not all accounts have this feature at the moment.

  • Log in to your
  • Click on Websites.
  • In the list of your website(s), check Enabled under AdBlock Recovery for the site(s) you want to enable AdBlock Recovery for.
  • will add your website in to a special onboarding queue for getting your website approved for running ads according to the Acceptable Ads-initiative. This may take up to 14 days.
  • Your additional revenue will automatically be added to your account.