Publisher payment terms

This article states's publisher payment terms and routines


Payments information - quick version

  • Payments are issued 60 days after the Payment documentation has been created (payment documentations are created max 8 days after month's end)
    • If payment threshold is reached for period AND payment information is entered in your settings
      • The payment thresholds are, noting depending on selection of currency:
        • PayPal: 10 USD or 10 EUR or 100 SEK
        • Bank account transfer: 1 000 USD or 1 000 EUR or 10 000 SEK

Payments information - detailed

Follow these steps to reach your payment documentations:

  • Log in to your
  • Click on Payments.
  • Payment documentations set in schedule or already paid are listed here. 
  • Already paid Payment documentations are marked with Paid while non-payed ones awaiting payment date are marked with Awaiting date.
  • Your Wallet is displayed on the right side of the page, declaring any revenue your account has that has not yet been set in schedule for payment. 

Payments are set in schedule using Payment documentations. These are uploaded to your account based on two requirements:

  1. If your account has exceeded the revenue threshold for creation of the payment documentation. Note that the threshold must be reached for payment documentations to be created, but it doesn't matter in what time-frame. Meaning, payment documentations can be created every month if your account every month reaches the threshold, or it could take ten months to create a payment documentation if it took your account ten months to reach the threshold. Minimum payment thresholds per payment methods are, depending on what currency you have selected your account to be displayed in:
    1. PayPal: 10 USD or 10 EUR or 100 SEK
    2. Bank account transfer: 1 000 USD or 1 000 EUR or 10 000 SEK
  2. If you have filled in your payment information in your settings. Note that all the fields in your settings must be filled in, in order for payment documentations to be created. 
    On your account's Payment page, there will be a text in red displaying Please add your Account and Payment information from settings. if your account's payment information has not been added in full.