This article demonstrates necessary steps when implementing Holid bidder to your site
Quick guide
- Set up ads.txt on your site.
- Add Holid to your CMP
- Add Holid bidder to your prebid.js core
- Activate iframe user syncing in your pbjs setConfig
- Add Holid bidder adUnitIDs to your ad units
If you are working with Magnite's Demand Manager, Relevant Yield or Livewrapped as prebid wrapper, learn how to integrate with them.
1. Set up ads.txt on your site.
Reach out your contact person at Holid or get your rows in the platform, either in the Sites overview -> My ads.txt rows or in the Ads overview -> Get codes in
2. Add Holid to your CMP
Name: Holid AB
Vendor ID: 1177
Without it, we are not able to user sync which impacts bid and buy rates significantly.
3. Add Holid bidder to your prebid.js core
On Prebid, our bidder is called Holid.
Use prebid.js version 8.3 or above.
4. Activate iframe user syncing in your pbjs setConfig
Make sure to have read the Holid bidder documentation, where we recommend activating iframe user-sync to increase monetization:
userSync: {
filterSettings: {
iframe: {
bidders: '*', // '*' means all bidders. 'holid' if applying only for holid bidder
filter: 'include'
5. Add Holid bidder adUnitIDs to your ad units
Holid bidder will currently only respond with bids for Display ads. We are working on expanding support for more mediaTypes.
Get your ID from your contact person or from the platform.
Add the adUnitID to each ad unit on your end and push it live.
The adUnitID can be implemented on several ad units several times per subpage/pageview and are non-size sensitive, meaning you can implement either of them on either of your ad units. Holid bidder checks the sizes you have declared in your prebid.js ad units and only bids on those sizes.
Your revenue will be added on a daily basis to your account.